Split level bars with polished stainless worktops, - a choice of straight or curved units may be used together, LED colours can be fixed or scroll through over time.

Round Illuminated Bars

A round setup this size can cater for around 80-300 people at an average event, the oval bar can serve up to 450-500 people

Straight Illuminated Bars

A setup this size can cater for around 200-350 people at an average event.

Curved Illuminated Bars

A setup this size can cater for around 200-400 people at an average event.

Straight and curved Illuminated bars can be used together in many different combinations to best suit the event. We are continually refurbishing and manufacturing new bars so the available range is constantly evolving.

Full round bar is made from 8-off curved units.

LED backlit back bars and optics, - these have space for a 3 door fridge underneath the worktop, an LED backlit panel supports the optic racks.

These bar units are ideal for exhibitions and shows, with plenty of storage space and a wide range of combinations. Bars may also be branded for events, - please contact us to discuss your requirements.


See Bar Layouts and Configurations for bar options